Gravy Dinos
November 11-18, 2022
Closing Reception
When: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 4:30–6:00 PM
Where: Gallery 130, Meek Hall
Tell us about yourself and where you are from.
My name is Carter King, and I’m a graphic design BFA. I am from Flowood, Mississippi, which is just outside of Jackson.
What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
Primarily, location. Few schools offer a decent art education in the state of Mississippi, and after extensive searching, this here is perhaps the best choice I could have made.
What type of artwork do you create?
I primarily work in graphic design and illustration. I am also a cartoonist, often poking fun at my own life to entertain others.

Could you explain your process?
I work on a Microsoft Surface Pro with a program known as Autodesk Sketchbook, which I was lucky enough to get for free. It allows me to still draw by hand as if I were working on paper, all while keeping the fluidity, technique, and benefits of digital art.
Which artists do you look to for inspiration?
I like to look at artists who create the strange or unnatural, such as Salvador Dali. When I want something more natural, I look towards artists that draw from the natural world, such as Mark Dion.
Which professors inspired you the most?
My professors Brooke Alexander and Josh Brinley definitely helped me navigate where I wanted to go in the department, and Tyler Barnes hasn’t left my side since I figured that out. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for them.
What has been your favorite class during your years here?
My favorite classes have probably been Production and Package Design, as both classes taught me about the field of graphic design, but I was also able to utilize my illustration abilities to their full extent.
Could you describe a favorite memory here in the department?
Perhaps my favorite memories in this department are when things didn’t go right, and I don’t just mean a project. I mean the times when I ended up shoulder-deep in a bucket of glaze fishing for a cup in ceramics. Or days when I had to try and shield a 6-foot pencil drawing from a torrent of snow. Or when I was struck in the gut by a molten chunk of iron during a sculpture class and about burned my shirt through.
Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
Be prepared for a lot of work. Art is not as easy as the world seems to think, but even so, it’s still a lot of fun.
What type of music do you listen to while you create art?
Between Weird Al Yankovic, pirate shanties, and German folk music, it’s a mite difficult to put my music preference in a genre…let’s just say music that gives me energy.
What are you binge-watching while being a couch potato?
I just recently began the 1000+ episode journey that is One Piece. I keep it on a lot while I’m drawing.
Do you have any hobbies outside of the art department?
I’m almost constantly drawing, whether it’s for the department or not. When I’m not doing that, though, I also enjoy playing video games with friends.
What is your favorite thing about Oxford or the University?
There have been many instances in all hours of the day where I’ve just felt like getting out and walking, and the campus has just been perfect for that. I’m honestly going to miss that.
What is your favorite restaurant in Oxford?
I’m going to disappoint my girlfriend and say my favorite Oxford restaurant is Chick-Fil-A.
Can we find you on social media?
Of course! I can be found on Instagram (@carteraking) or Twitter (@GravyDinos).
Do you have any plans after graduation?
I plan to immediately look for work, primarily in the graphic design field. Currently, though, I hold a position at Copper Sculptures that I will return to.