Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.
Hello, my name is Anna Stone. I am from Tupelo, Mississippi.
What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
Art has always been an essential part of my life, I’ve always known that was what I wanted to do, and I was attracted to the University as a whole. So I knew it was a perfect fit for me.
What type of artwork do you create?
I create a variety of artworks, but my main focus is abstract oil painting.
Could you explain your process?
I use an indirect method of painting, utilizing thin layers of color to create an unusual interaction with the colors as they overlap.
Which artists do you look to for inspiration?
I take influence from the work of artists such as Therese Boisclair, Gerhard Richter, Chicago Imagist Ed Paschke, and Memphis-based artist Veda Reed.
Which professors inspired you the most?
Two professors that have inspired me the most are my painting professor Philip Jackson and my ceramics professor Matt Long. Although, I’ve been deeply influenced by all of my art professors who have all inspired me in many different ways.
What has been your favorite class during your years here?
I’ve greatly enjoyed many of my classes here, but when choosing a favorite class I have to narrow it down to two, painting and ceramics.
Could you describe a favorite memory here in the department?
One of my favorite memories from the department is when I was told I had been accepted into the BFA program. I will never forget how happy and accomplished I felt at that moment.
What does the Department of Art & Art History mean to you?
For me, the Art & Art History Department is the big cornerstone of my life, I feel that it is the place where I have truly found myself as an artist.
Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
I think that the best thing I can tell the incoming art students is don’t be afraid to explore their artistic horizons. No matter what form of art you choose to pursue, as long as you love doing it and give it your all, your creative abilities will have no bounds.
What type of music do you listen to while you create art?
The type of music I listen to while I create art depends on how I’m feeling at the moment. My three favorite genres to listen to while I work is 70s and 80s rock, musical theatre, and renaissance rock.
What are you binge-watching while being a couch potato?
I don’t really watch much television anymore. But when I do, I like to watch reruns of old shows like Frasier, Fresh Prince, and Last Man Standing.
Do you have any hobbies outside of the art department?
Some of my other interests and passions include ceramics, baking/cake decorating, singing, reading, gardening, traveling, and archery.
What is your favorite thing about Oxford or the University?
I think what I enjoy most about both Oxford and the University is all the opportunities that they offer to branch out and grow, both career and personal wise.
What is your favorite restaurant in Oxford?
Out of all the restaurants I’ve tried in Oxford I’d have to say that my favorite is Volta Taverna, a Greek restaurant not too far from the Square.
Can we find you on social media?
You can see more of my work on my Instagram page, @astoneart1.

Do you have any plans after graduation?
After I graduate, I plan to take a year off to get on my feet then I’m planning to attend another University, to be determined later, to pursue my MFA degree.