2022 Exhibitions
Spring Exhibitions January 18–February 18 Michael Behle, “A Return to Seeing” (View Photos) March 7–11 BFA Thesis Exhibition (Group 1) – Lindsay Martin, Reception: Monday, March 7, 5–7 PM – Abigail Babaz, Reception: Tuesday, March 8, 5–7 PM – Sadie Smith, Reception: Wednesday, March 9, 5–7 PM (View Photos) March 21–25 BFA Thesis Exhibition (Group […]
New Fall 2021 Courses
AH 330/530: Medieval Art: Crosscurrents of Pre-Modern Africa T TH 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM; taught by Dr. Brigitte Salami This course focuses on the cosmopolitan nature of pre-modern African societies. It emphasizes three crosscurrents: exchange of material culture and ideas between the Highlands of Ethiopia and Byzantium; the trans-Saharan trade that connected West Africa […]
Study Abroad: Paris, France
Study abroad this summer in Paris, France, and learn about Nineteenth-Century French Art and Civilization! The course counts as 3 credits towards Art History 306, French 398, or Museum Studies 398. The class will be held June 7–20, 2021 with professors Louise Arizzoli and Anne Quinney. The deadline to register is April 15th! If you […]
The University of Mississippi Archaeology Showcase 2020 (Zoom)
Please email dibiasie@olemiss.edu or nmmarrar@olemiss.edu for Zoom ID and password 4:30 WELCOME 4:35-4:45 “NEW CLOTHES FOR A HERO: HERAKLES AND GREEK IDENTITY AT ANCIENT OLYMPIA” Dr. Aileen Ajootian Professor of Classics and Art, Department of Classics 4:50-5:00 “WALKING THROUGH THE PAST: AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF 6000 YEARS OF PREHISTORY IN THE HEART OF BAVARIA, GERMANY” […]
2020 Exhibitions
January 21 – February 28 Jan Murray: Lost + Found Lecture/Presentation: Feb 27, 3:30 p.m. Reception: February 27, 4:30–6:00 p.m. (View Images) Spring BFA Exhibitions ONLINE Spring MFA Thesis Exhibitions ONLINE Gabrielle Dinger (Sculpture) Here, now (View Images) William McComb (Ceramics) Daily Rhythms (View Images) Ian Skinner (Sculpture) Remnant (View Images) Student Summer Exhibition ONLINE […]

Art History Professor Receives First Hensley Award
Hensley family members (from left) are Rusty, Missy, John, Camille, Baby Mack, Pauline and Hunt. Below: UM art history professor Nancy Wicker, demonstrating Viking jewelry, is the first recipient of the Hensley Family Senior Professor Research Award. A University of Mississippi art history professor is the first recipient of a new research award that […]
Sense of Place
Currently on display at Southside Art Gallery, “Sense of Place.” New works on paper by Virginia Rougon Chavis and photographs by Brooke White will be on display at Southside Gallery through the month of December. Artists’ Reception, Thursday, December 12, 5 – 8 PM Facebook Event Virginia Rougon Chavis Virginia’s work in Sense of Place began in […]
Holiday Art Gala 2019
The Department of Art & Art History presents the annual Holiday Art Gala featuring: Artist Draw-down, Silent Auction, General Sale, Student Group Market Booths, Cash Bar & MORE! LOCATION: Oxford University Depot, 101 Depot Street *Located behind the Ford Center DETAILS: • Artist Draw-Down (Friday, 11/15)– Featured work by University faculty will be available for […]

Five new mod sculptures on Poydras Street are ‘greatest drive-by art exhibit’
By Doug MacCash | Staff Writer for Nola.com | OCT 3, 2019 Click here for the original article including all artists. As Poydras Street commuters have surely noticed, five eye-catching new sculptures have appeared recently along the street’s neutral ground. One was created by an internationally renowned Louisiana artist, who also happens to be a […]
Painting Ireland
The Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College cordially invites you to Painting Ireland an exhibit of paintings by Philip Jackson. Curated by Bruce Levingston, Chancellor’s Honors College Artist in Residence. Opening Reception: Thursday, September 26, from 4:30-6:30 PM. Exhibit will run from September 26-November 21, 2019.