Abigail Babaz
Introduce yourself.
My name is Abigail Babaz.
Where are you from originally?
I am originally from Atlanta, GA.
What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
I have always wanted to be creative. I thought college would be the perfect time to explore the arts in a professional, learning space.
What type of artwork do you create?
I am a painter. I paint mostly still life and figurative portrait paintings. My medium is Oil paint on linen.
Could you explain your process?
I mostly occupy a direct painting method with some indirect methods. I spend most of my time mixing color and then slowly bring the painting to life with several layers from multiple sittings for each painting.
Which artists do you look to for inspiration?
Giorgio Morandi, Wayne Thiebaud, Martha Alf, Gillian Pederson Krag, Robert Bauer
Which professors inspired you the most?
Phillip Jackson
What has been your favorite class during your years here?
My favorite class I have taken has either been intermediate painting or plein air. Both classes impacted me so much and are the reason I wanted to be a fine artist.
Could you describe a favorite memory here in the department?
My favorite memory in the art department has been the iron pour or ceramics!
Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
I think you have to be determined and willing to work hard if you want to achieve your goals in this department. The studio classes can be long and frustrating at times. Even when the work does not come out the way you intended, don’t give up, and try again!
What type of music do you listen to while you create art?
I listen to this really awesome “Folk & Acoustic Mix” playlist on Spotify that I love. But, I can also be known to fall into a Taylor Swift session for hours in my studio. Depends on how I am feeling and what I am painting!
Are you binge-watching anything at the moment?
I do not watch a lot of TV. But, when I get home from the studio I like to make a cup of tea and read. Right now, I am reading The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz.
What are your hobbies?
My hobbies outside of painting and school consist of long walks, reading, hanging out with friends and family, and playing with dogs!
What is your favorite thing about Oxford?
The community of friends that I have here. It’s been home away from home for me.
What is your favorite restaurant in Oxford?
Probably City Grocery or Saint Leo.
Can we find you on social media?
Yes, my social media is @Abigailbabazart!
Any plans after graduation?
Not yet, I am in the process of figuring out my next move, stay tuned!

Painting by Abigail Babaz