Author Archive

Q&A with Alex Long (BFA Imaging Arts & Printmaking)
What made you get into printmaking? I still vividly remember the first time I made a lithographic print. I was so excited the first time I saw one of my photographs printed as a lithograph. I hadn’t previously been aware of what the possibilities were for my images. I started playing around with alternative processes […]

New Home for Greek, Roman Antiquities Dedicated
The event celebrates Galtneys’ generosity, passion for UM, arts and culture Chancellor Glenn Boyce (left) and his wife, Emily, greet Elizabeth and Will Galtney, of Houston, Texas, at a reception at the University Museum. The event celebrated the dedication of the museum’s Elizabeth and Will Galtney Greek and Roman Art Wing. Photo by Kirsten Faulkner/University […]

Dovetail Exhibition
Congratulations to our MFA candidates Adriane Honerbrink, Daniel Ney, Madeline McMahan, Margaret Perez, and Ashley Smith in being accepted into the Dovetail Exhibition hosted by the Intersect Arts Center in St. Louis, MO! Visit their page to find out more about the exhibit! “In the spring of 2021, the sculpture program at the University of […]

Photography Network’s 2021 Virtual Symposium
The Material and the Virtual in Photographic Histories Kris Belden-Adams, ThisTheoryDoesNotExist: Examining and Historicizing Artificial-Intelligence-Generated, Hyper-Realistic, DeepFake Photographs as ‘Data Portraits’ offers a refreshable, seductively realistic series of digital portraits of exactly that: amalgamated images of fictional people. Built from an unknown number of Flickr photographs, these photographically hyper-realistic images enjoy the appearance of veristic “truth,” […]

Ceramics Students Showcased at Oxford City Grocery
Student artists contributed original crafts in collaboration with local restaurant SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 BY EDWIN B. SMITH (View original w/photos) UM advanced ceramics students enjoy a meal at City Grocery served on dinnerware they created for the restaurant. The group includes students (from left) Reagan Thames Spreafico, Will McComb, Samara Dallaire, Cassidy Franz, Julie Coleman, […]

2021 Outstanding Internship Experience Partner
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 Internship Experience students and Outstanding Internship Partner will be recognized. Presentations by: Molly Ayers, Integrated Marketing Communications Georgia Bright, Integrated Marketing Communications Jessica Herron, English 2021 Cohort Molly Ayers, Integrated Marketing Communications Georgia Bright, Integrated Marketing Communications CarrieAnn Clements, Political Science Jessica Herron, English Latoria Hicks, Film Production Carley Horner, Public […]

AH 386/586: African and African American Art
AH 386/586: African and African American Art MW 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM; taught by Dr. Brigitte Salami This course explores the syncretic nature of the Black Atlantic world. The overall goal is a better understanding of the African contributions to the cultures of the Americas, and contemporary African and Afro-Caribbean artists’ responses to a […]
New Fall 2021 Courses
AH 330/530: Medieval Art: Crosscurrents of Pre-Modern Africa T TH 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM; taught by Dr. Brigitte Salami This course focuses on the cosmopolitan nature of pre-modern African societies. It emphasizes three crosscurrents: exchange of material culture and ideas between the Highlands of Ethiopia and Byzantium; the trans-Saharan trade that connected West Africa […]

Q&A with MFA Painting Student, Jessica Counterman
What type of artwork do you create and can you explain your process? I paint about death! And I’m really interested in mythology, folklore, and religion. I wish I believed in anything, but I don’t, so I make them real in my work. My process varies heavily, but there is almost always a digital collage […]

Q&A with MFA Painting Student, Kelly Adkins
When did you start getting into art? I did not start considering art as a serious career path until I was 24, but I’ve been developing my skills in painting since I was 8 or 9. What type of artist do you consider yourself? I will always be a figurative painter, but specifically, I consider […]