Lily Stover Anderson

My work is based in humor or story telling. I like to investigate one thing until it’s completely dead or the idea is lost. Like repeating the punchline to a joke until it’s depressing.
After school I lost my head space and went in a few different directions creatively. Right now I’ve got my hand in a few different things. I’m creating a giant still life made out of light-gels. I’m also started a donut company and deliver donuts to a group of restaurants. This is really my passion project, Darling Donuts. I also have a young child who is awesome and keeps me motivated.
I work at a non-profit arts organization, Crosstown Arts. We have a residency program, galleries open to the public, a shared art making facilities. It’s a wonderful program, and I work with the exhibitions and public engagement portions
Follow @darlingdonutsmemphis on Instagram!