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Art & Art History
University of Mississippi

Q&A with Denzel Foster (BFA Graphic Design)

Humanity -N- Harmony: Concert for Gaza & Palestine Relief 
March 25-28th, 2024

Closing Reception
When: Wednesday, March 27rd, 2024, 4:30–6:00 PM
Where: Gallery 130, Meek Hall

Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.
I am Denzel Foster, a graphic designer from Friars Point, MS

What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
What brought me here was my love for animation. After learning it wasn’t offered I turned my attention to graphic design.

What type of artwork do you create and can you discuss your process?
The work I regularly do always has some level of importance to me, whether it’s my love of a tv show, some piece of history that piqued my interest or a social cause I support. My process begins with music and a lot of research. Once I find inspiration in the lyrics I dive into the aspect of building the aesthetic and its meaning. It’s chaotic but it works for me.

Which artists do you look to for inspiration?
Graphic design wise, no, but musical artists, yes. When in doubt, trust Ye, Nicki Minaj, Jay-Z, JID, & Beyonce.

Which professors inspired you the most?
Easily Mr. Tyler Barnes. He understands me and knows that my mind can be all over the place with concepts and helps me to bring it to straight line reality.

What has been your favorite class during your years here?
My favorite class had to be Advanced Graphic Design because I had the freedom to pursue my passion projects for my portfolio without too many set parameters.

Do you have a favorite memory here in the department?
It would have to be the day I sat in Mr. Barnes office and just went through all the different stuff he’s collected over the years.

Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
Do the assignments your own way. Don’t be scared to push back on something that you truly feel would make a great piece. It’s your work, no one else’s. Don’t be close minded to criticism but your personality should show in your work some type of way in my opinion.

Do you have any hobbies outside of the art department?
In my spare time I write screenplays, poetry, short stories, etc.

What is your favorite thing about Oxford or the University?
The friends I’ve made along the way. Once you find your village everything else just falls into place.

Can we find you on social media?
IG: denzel.ildon &

Do you have any plans after graduation?
Work until I can’t work anymore.