Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from?
Hey everyone! My name is Kaitlyn Brewer and I am from Ocean Springs, MS.
What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
As a senior in high school, I toured the campus and was drawn to the Department of Art and Art History for many reasons. I was able to see firsthand students learning and creating with the help of instructors that seemed to be involved with the students. I also learned about the BFA program and how it would allow me to become a well-rounded artist. I enjoyed the idea of being exposed to multiple mediums.
When did you start getting into art?
I originally started getting into art when I was a kid. My grandma would purchase coloring books and painting supplies for me which began my love for art.

What type of artwork do you create and can you explain your process?
I create illustrations and graphic design work. I always begin with researching and sketching. After sketching, I will then bring my designs into Adobe Illustrator or Procreate to bring my sketches to life.
Has your artwork changed during the coronavirus?
Covid has given me a chance to slow down and really focus on creating work.
What type of artist do you consider yourself?
I consider myself to be an illustrator and graphic designer.
Which artist do you look to for inspiration?
I look to artists such as Kate Bingaman-Burt and Walter Anderson.
With the exhibition moving online, could you tell us about your BFA thesis?
For my thesis, I created a coloring book inspired by my surroundings and the place I call home, the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The coloring pages in this book depict the different towns across the Gulf Coast as well as the various plants, animals, and fish that call it home. Through my coloring book, I hope to share my love for the culture, heritage, and beauty of the Mississippi Gulf Coast with others.
What has been your favorite class during your years here?
The two classes that I enjoyed the most during my time at Ole Miss were TylerBarnes’ packaging design class and Lauren Cardenas’s printmaking class.
Did you take an online, remote, or hybrid art class? Did it change your way of creating art or learning experience?
With everything that happened, I think the Art Department handled the situation well but I do miss seeing everyone in person.
Which professors inspired you the most?
The professors that inspired me the most are Virginia Rougon Chavis and Tyler Barnes. They both pushed me to become a better designer.
Could you describe a favorite memory here in the department?
One of my favorite memories is professor Philip Jackson’s Plein Air painting class in May of 2019. This class allowed me to meet Trinh N. and Wendy S. who I still talk to daily.
What does the Department of Art & Art History mean to you?
The department of Art & Art History means a sense of community. The department has given me countless friendships and a one-of-a-kind experience.
Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
My advice for incoming art students would be to prepare to work long, and hard hours, but in the end you will be rewarded with beautiful works of art.
What are you looking forward to when things get back to normal?
The ability to see everyone’s smiling faces mask-free!
How has the pandemic affected your life as an artist?
I miss getting to see everyone’s faces in person and not in the Zoomerverse.
Can we find you on social media?
Yes! My Instagrams are @kaitlyn.brewer1 and
Has social media helped you more during this time?
Yes, social media is a great way to stay connected and see what other artists are creating.
What’s your favorite thing about Oxford?
My favorite thing about Oxford would be the fact that it reminds me of home. I am also from a small town and it was an easy transition.
What type of music do you listen to while you’re creating art?
Recently I have been listening to Glass Animals’ new album.
What’s your favorite thing to watch while being a couch potato?
My favorite TV show to watch is Hometown.
22.Do you have plans after graduation?
I hope to begin working in the graphic design field.