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Art & Art History
University of Mississippi

Art 431. Advanced Sculpture

This course explores advanced sculptural problems, techniques and conceptual development in the studio. Students focus on developing individual expression and research. They continue to explore concepts through selfguided research utilizing various processes, materials, and concepts in sculpture. Emphasis is placed upon individual expression and concept development. Students explore advanced problems in studio techniques and analyze conceptual development through discussion and critiques in preparation of creating a professional portfolio and an eventual thesis exhibition.

By the end of the semester, students will be challenged to

  • investigate and develop ideas about sculpture in an individual direction that may include personal, world, political, and social issues.
  • experiment with sculptural materials and concepts that appeal to them on an individual basis.
  • learn individual motivation and project development and will be expected to work on a higher skill level.
  • learn to have a good understanding of contemporary art making, terminology, and ideas and be able to communicate at an advanced level with their peers and the instructor.

Durant literally taught me everything I know about sculpture and has pushed me to create the work that I did. Very thankful!!  He is very encouraging and helpful.”

“Problem solving! Oh my gosh, I love problem solving!  I love getting something that is broken and I ask myself, “How can I make it better? or “Can I make it functional again? How can I repurpose it?” I’d rather problem solve with something that is broken than create something from scratch. It’s probably weird to say that as a sculptor but I see things as puzzle pieces. It’s easier for me to see in such a three-dimensional way that I’ve never been able to before.”