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Art & Art History
University of Mississippi

Q&A with Emily Hollowell (BFA Imaging Arts)

April 1-5, 2024

Closing Reception
When: Wednesday, April 4th, 2024, 4:30–6:00 PM
Where: Gallery 130, Meek Hall

Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from.
Hi, I’m Emily Hollowell, and I’m from Oxford, MS.

What attracted you to the Department of Art & Art History?
I’ve always loved art and wanted to do something to do with art, whether it be full-time or on

the side. I’ve also always loved photography, especially in high school.

What type of artwork do you create and can you discuss your process?
My artwork consists of nature and my family. I like to use digital and analog photography, alternative processes, and some printmaking.

Which artists do you look to for inspiration?
Sally Mann, Charlesa Peters, Allison Grant, Emmet Gowin, and Catherine Panebianco

Which professors inspired you the most?
Brooke White has been the most inspirational professor. She has helped me understand where my ideas come from and why I create the artwork I do.

What has been your favorite class during your years here?
Anything to do with film photography, so beginning imaging arts, alternative processes, and intermediate photography. But if I had to choose one, intermediate photography has probably been my favorite.

Do you have a favorite memory here in the department?
When I developed my first roll of film and saw the photos I took, I could create.

Do you have any advice for incoming art students?
Work hard, make friends, and never give up or quit. You can do it no matter how many people ask if this business can pay the bills or doubt if this can become something bigger. There are always possibilities this can become something huge. You can succeed in this business; you must keep your head up and keep going no matter what people tell you. Take advice from your professors and listen to them. We artists always have each other’s backs. You got this!!

Do you have any hobbies outside of the art department?
I have loved watching SpongeBob SquarePants since I was young. I also enjoy crafting, reading, relaxing, being in nature, and spending time with my family and friends.

What is your favorite thing about Oxford or the University?
Family, and the memories I have growing up here and in the same neighborhood. The friends I’ve made in the Art Department at the University have been such strong and good friendships anyone could ask for.

Can we find you on social media?
Facebook: ETH Art & Photography


Instagram: and @art2emily

Gmail: and

Do you have any plans after graduation?
I would love to work somewhere on campus, either in athletics or as a photographer. I would also like to continue doing my work on the side.